Saving Acts

My mouth will tell of your righteous deeds, of your saving acts all day long — though I know not how to relate them all. Psalm 71:15

Every day of the year, the Good News of Jesus Christ is changing lives around the world. You don’t hear about them and probably never will because they live in remote corners of the earth. Each of those lives is testament to the power and glory of God in very ordinary people. But as those new Believers grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, they talk about what has happened to them. They are spreading the truth about His righteous deeds. Sometimes, because of where they live, reaching out to others puts their lives in danger.

So even though we in the West don’t see miracle after miracle right before our eyes, God is continuing to change lives.

Continue to pray that the Spirit of God will continue to minister in and through the lives of dedicated Believers. And then, ask Him how you can be a part of that action!

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