7 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7
At least three times in the Bible, the hyssop plant was used in significant ways. When God told the Israelites to paint the blood of a lamb on their thresholds and doorposts, it was to be applied with a hyssop branch (Exodus 12:22)
When someone lifted wine vinegar up to Jesus while He was on the cross, a branch of hyssop was used. (John 19:28-30)
In the book of Leviticus, God told His people to use hyssop for the ceremonial cleansing of houses and people.
David would have known about the ceremonial cleaning “properties” that the hyssop plant had. David is referring to a “spiritual” cleansing, one that soap and water cannot clean.
The Holy Spirit wants to wash over your soul every day from all the junk we seem to accumulate throughout the day. It could be negative thoughts, temptations, sin, a bitter spirit, a critical attitude, or any number of areas that are prone to discouraging you and leading you away from your walk with Christ.
Pray this prayer, that the Spirit would in fact wash over your soul. Throughout the day pray it.