A Tall Order

25 After they had further proclaimed the word of the Lord and testified about Jesus, Peter and John returned to Jerusalem, preaching the gospel in many Samaritan villages. Acts 8:25

This verse seems to be a little side note after John and Peter’s exchange about the Holy Spirit with Simon the Sorcerer. They never stopped preaching in the Samaritan villages. There were like the “Energizer bunnies” in those battery commercials a few years ago. Peter and John had a great message, the motivation to deliver it, and the Holy Spirit to encourage and strengthen them from town to town. That’s certainly a recipe for success. Actually, anything we attempt when the Holy Spirit is on our side will be successful.

We forget that we are not in this battle alone. We do and say things in our own strength, and wonder why we have no power. That’s why we need to bathe our thoughts, speech, and actions in the Holy Spirit. It’s a tall order, but a necessary one.

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