“Adam, where are you?”

Genesis 3:9, But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” (NIV)

We all know the story from long ago. God created man, then woman from the man. The serpent tempted the woman with forbidden fruit, and she gave it to the man to eat. Then the man heard God walking in the Garden, and he hid from God. The all-knowing, ever-present God called out to the man, “where are you?”

It speaks of compassion. It speaks of wanting man to own up for his deeds. It speaks of relationship. Man’s response isn’t even important at this point in the story. God wanted to talk even though He knew that Adam was hiding.

Things really haven’t changed, have they? God is still seeking us; we’re still hiding. That hiding comes in different forms to different people. Sometimes it’s not even talking to God. Sometimes it’s not allowing his Word to speak to us. And sometimes it’s doing what we want with total disregard for what God wants.

But remember, God is still seeking you out. Every day. Even in your darkest moment He is reaching out, calling out, beckoning you to come. He knows where you are and invites you to speak with him, you know, just to chit chat. About your hurt. About your failures. About your joys. About your life.

So, the Lord God calls out to you, “Where are you?”


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