Admitting Our Mistakes

Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid. Proverbs 12:1

This proverb is brash as it is profound, especially the second half. And yet, I have to admit that I dislike being corrected when I’m wrong. No one likes to be wrong, and when we’ve thought we’ve been right all along, the realization that we were wrong all along comes as a shock.

Recently, an engineer – an engineer! – pointed out that the spelling of a particular company was wrong throughout some documentation I had printed. Even as he brought up other points to those in the meeting totally unrelated to his offhand remark, I kept the spelling error in the forefront of my mind. Later I verified the correct spelling from the company’s website, and I had been wrong. I went back to check the documentation in question and the spelling was inconsistent throughout.

It’s a little point, I realize, but it illustrates the difficulty many of us have in admitting our mistakes.

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