Before and After

10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. 1 Peter 2:10

I always like “before and after” scenarios. He was heavy; he lost weight. Her teeth were yellowing; now they’re white. He was a 98 pound weakling; he’s the bully on the beach now!

All of these pale in comparison to “I had no mercy; I now have great mercy.” Of course we take this mercy for granted far too often. We forget what it was like without mercy: dreary, dull, hopeless.

Hopelessness is tragic in anybody’s life. It’s even worse than putting your hope for the temporary things in life such as riches, fame, and looks. It’s worse because it’s an empty, unfulfilled life. You can’t see beyond your current situation. It’s the reason that people use to take their lives.

You probably know someone who is hopeless. On the outside, they probably have most of their life together. Inside, they may be the only people who know the truth of their despair. There’s someone like this that God just laid on your heart. Reach out to that person today. In all likelihood, this person will not seek you out first. Pray for that person and approach them because they’re probably crying out without saying a word.

Give them an extra helping of hope.

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