The fool says in his heart,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, their deeds are vile;
there is no one who does good. Psalm 14:1
What can you say about someone who not only says “there is no God” in his heart, but says it out loud? A bigger fool? Those people exist more than we know. Yes, some say those words or similar but others show us their true colors by their actions:
- the abortionist doctor who continues the slaughter life after life when deep inside he knows the truth
- the politicians who write and flaunt such legislation
- the media who choose to ignore atrocities and instead run “fluff pieces”
These are but three larger incidents of rebellion against God. There are countless others. .
The final part to verse one is quoted in the book of Romans. It’s the sensible realization that none of us on our own do good. If we stopped here, we’re only telling part of the story. Tomorrow I will expand upon this notion, but for today we can pray for those we know who have publicly stated “there is no God.” We all have friends and relatives who believe this, and it should break our hearts the way it breaks God’s heart.