For the Lord is Good

3 Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good;
sing praise to his name, for that is pleasant.
4 For the Lord has chosen Jacob to be his own,
Israel to be his treasured possession. Psalm 135:3-4

Dr. A.W. Tozer wrote in The Pursuit of God, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”

is He kind?
Is He mean?
Is He trustworthy?
Is He Good?
Is He faithful?
Is He all powerful?
Is He fun?
Is He distant?
Is He a mystery?
Is He real?
Is He a loving father?

The world has a very different view of God than we have, although that may not be true.

Obviously how we view God paints how we view the world and His work in the world. There are times, if we’re honest, that any number of those attributes are true in our lives. It may not be true but it can seem to be that way.

The psalmist wrote that the Lord is good.

Today, as you consider these words, think about His goodness in your life. Think about the many blessings He’s given you and your family. Think what life would be like without Him loving you and guiding you.

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