Gawker’s Delay

Before our eyes, make known among the nations that you avenge the outpoured blood of your servants. Psalm 79:10

City rush hour traffic reports are frequently filled with accounts of accidents but those on the opposite side of the road slowing down to see the accident also slows down the traffic. Perhaps it’s the curious nature of people or perhaps it’s something else entirely, but highway speeds decrease considerably when there is an accident to be seen. They call it “Gawker’s Delay” because people like to gawk at the accident, and when they’re gawking at an accident they’re going slower.

Asaph in a sense wants to gawk at what he wants God to do. Or perhaps he just wants to be sure that God does something.

Whether it’s like that on the road or in life, we want God to move. We want to see His hand at work. Sometimes we want to see Him break down barriers, move mountains, and judge evil doers. Sometimes we just want to know He’s there.

Today as you begin this day, know that He loves you and wants what is absolutely best for you. Even if you don’t “see” Him today, He is there.

Sometimes that’s just the reassurance we need to go another day.

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