God of the Umpteenth Chance!

When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of a woman, born under the law” (Galatians 4:4).

People were, as they say, “in a bad way.” God is all about new beginnings. Scripture records over and over again God giving mankind chance after chance after chance to get it right. He told them what to do explicitly, and they did well for a little bit, but then they sinned greatly. To say that God is God of the second chance is a gross understatement. He’s the God of the Umpteenth Chance.

I don’t know who is reading this or when you’re reading it. God gives us all many many chances to come to Him. He doesn’t force you and me, but He gently coaxes.

As you read this, God may be drawing you to Him. It’s not an accident that you came to this site and are reading this devotional.

Seek Him today. Draw close to Him. Talk to Him. Repent of your sins and surrender your life to Him. He knows your needs and your pain. You’ve been trying to do it on your own for too long. If this is all very very new to you, drop me a line and we’ll get in touch with someone in your area who can explain all of this a little more clearly.

God bless you in this New Year!

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