Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Proverbs 4:23
If you haven’t already done so, memorize this verse, meditate on it, get it deep within your very being. When you wake in the morning, recite it because you’ll need it. When you go to bed at night, dwell on it. Think about its meaning.
Why do I think this verse is so important? Think about it for a minute. We are inundated with negativity all day, every day. We can become bitter and angry just reading the daily news. But we don’t have to let it control us. Guard what goes into it. Guard what you think about.
And we can become bitter against God. Let’s face it, we don’t understand everything that God does. The world would have us hate God. But we know God. We know that He is in control and does what he wills without our permission and completely without our control. Why the nerve of it! So in those times when it looks like God should have done something a little differently than we would have liked, we have to trust that God had the highest of intentions and knows what He is doing.
Above all else, guard your heart.