Hungry and Thirsty

6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6

Hunger and thirst are two very real senses we all have.

After a long workout, we thirst.

After a long day of working with few breaks, we hunger.

Carrying those sensations over to the spiritual realm is powerful indeed.

When you hear people who are “searching for God,” pray that they find Him because He will truly reveal Himself to those who seek Him. Unfortunately there are many false gods that are more than willing to lead them down the wrong path.

But this verse is not just true for the seekers.

It’s true for us.

As Blaise Pascal famously noted, “There’s a God-shaped vacuum in each of us that only God can fill.”

God can fill our emptiness and minimize the pain we have. He can give us incredible peace in the midst of turmoil and chaos.

Do we hunger and thirst for righteousness?

Do we long to do what is right in God’s eyes more than what is right in the world’s eyes?

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