
A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit. Proverbs 15:13

Yesterday’s devotional talked about ministering to others even when we are busy focusing on our own problems and our own lives.

That wasn’t exactly a fair treatment of the matter because when we hurt, we hurt! I know that seems obvious, but it’s true. I’ve often heard that you can’t be a philosopher if you have a toothache. The truth of that statement is simple: when we’re hurting, it’s difficult to help others.

So, what do you do? Often it’s enough to be honest with people about your hurts. Perhaps you haven’t told anyone what’s going on inside. That needs to change and you need to open up with those who will listen. Finding the balance between hurting for others and experiencing our own hurts if difficult.

And of course this should go without saying, but God knows your hurts and those you are trying to minister to.

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