I Hide Myself

9 Rescue me from my enemies, Lord,
for I hide myself in you. Psalm 143:9

Sometimes we just want to hide from the world, don’t we? Not always and not even a lot, but sometimes. God, though, knows the most intimate details of our lives and wants us to run to Him. Even if it means running to Him every day, He doesn’t mind.

So, what does “running to Him exactly mean because it’s a phrase we throw around a lot.

It means kneeling before Him and acknowledging that you don’t have it all together, and that you need His help.

It means being still before Him, resting in Him.

It means immersing yourself in the Word of God, expecting Him to speak to you through those words.

It’s not shameful to admit you need Him every day. It’s actually a bit shameful that we don’t do that.

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