Itty Bitty Seeds

“…some [seed] fell on rocky soil…some fell among thorns…other seed fell on good soil.” Mark 4:3-20


You never really know where they’ll fall. You hope for the good soil, sometimes see the thorns and rocks, but where it falls depends on many many things.

Jesus makes it clear that the seed is the Word of God (v13-14). You never know the situations people are in. Just when you think someone is ready to believe, that person turns totally against you. On the other hand, you may think that people aren’t even paying attention to you. but wham! you are witnessing a changed life.

Seeds. Lots and lots of seeds.

Little bitty seeds. Insignificant acts of kindness in a harsh world. Seeds of patience. Seeds of strength. Seeds of courage.

Plenty of opportunities. Plenty of seeds.

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