Je Suis David

Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer.
From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
Psalm 61:1-2

Yesterday’s devotional dovetails with this verse. David’s pleas are many and short. He was, after all, a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:14). He realized how important it was to go beyond earthly heights. He had his moments when he was trapped in the mire and muck of his situation, and he was sinking. He needed to reach out “to the rock that is higher than I.”

What David has done here is certainly not earth shattering for those who have read this blog consistently. We’ve seen it before and we’ll see it again: David in need of a loving, tender God.

We are all Davids, aren’t we? No, we weren’t king, haven’t been hiding in a cave, and do not have personal body guards 24/7. However, we know what it’s like to be in over our heads. We know exactly what it feels like to be sinking deeper and deeper in our lives. We also know disappointment and fear and worry and defeat, much like King David knew.

But also like David, we know when to call on the Lord of the Universe in our times of need. Perhaps we don’t do it as often as we should, but He is always there when we do.

One response to “Je Suis David”

  1. I like this – David recognized that his help (the help he most needed) would be coming from no one in this world. The sooner we can recognize that while walking through our own trials, the better, right?

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