29 As Jesus and his disciples were leaving Jericho, a large crowd followed him. 30 Two blind men were sitting by the roadside, and when they heard that Jesus was going by, they shouted, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!”
31 The crowd rebuked them and told them to be quiet, but they shouted all the louder, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!”
32 Jesus stopped and called them. “What do you want me to do for you?” he asked.
33 “Lord,” they answered, “we want our sight.”
34 Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him. Matthew 20:29-34
Why did the crowd rebuke those asking for mercy? What was the crowd’s “end” goal here?
What did Jesus see in these blind men that the crowd couldn’t see? Ironic, isn’t it?
The blind men were persistent enough because they knew that Jesus would have compassion on them.
The crowd passed them by and looked the other way. They essentially blew off the blind men.
Even though the crowds followed Him everywhere, he sought out the individual to minister life to.
Jesus saw faith in these men. They might not have known how He could help, only that He could.
We pass by these people all the time: the immigrant who is still struggling to learn English, the construction man holding up a SLOW sign, the clerk at the grocery store.
We don’t know their stories, but they all have one. It may not be as extreme as the blind men, but it could be worse.
Jesus had compassion on these people, on the overlooked people of the world. So should we, and it doesn’t take much to notice them.
We really just have to open our eyes. A smile and a word of encouragement will go a long way.