Judge With Equity

2 You say, “I choose the appointed time; it is I who judge with equity.
3 When the earth and all its people quake, it is I who hold its pillars firm. Psalm 75:2-3

Have you ever encountered a situation where you wanted God to bring judgement on a particular person now? We all have. It’s a very common reaction to some of the heinous evils we encounter throughout our lives. With the internet we’re able to hear about some of these evils fast and in greater numbers.

Fortunately, though, God is patient. He will judge with equity and at the appointed time, and not a minute sooner. Nothing escapes His knowledge or view.


It may be tough to do at times because, quite frankly certain life events do not seem fair to us, but praising God for His fairness and perfect judgement is the right thing to do.

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