2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
3 though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging. Psalm 46:2-3
There is a lot of talk about men and women who were afraid in the Bible.
- When angels appeared to men, they almost always said, “Do not be afraid.”
- Elijah ran for his life from Jezebel. 1 Kings 19:3
- Peter was clearly afraid when he was warming himself while Jesus was being interrogated. John 18
- The 11 sons of Jacob and Jacob himself were fearful of what Joseph would do with them. Genesis 41.
- The ten spies/scouts who feared the giants in the land. Numbers 13, 14
- Jonah ran from God because he was afraid. Jonah 1,2
- King David hid in caves when Absalom was chasing him.
- The rich young ruler was afraid to part with his money. Luke 18
Today, there’s great reason to be afraid:
- Ebola is spreading throughout Africa
- ISIS threatens the West
- War in Iraq
- War in Ukraine
- Middle East is about to escalate
- Cities are crumbling
- Prices are rising
- Economy is tanking
Because God is our refuge and strength, though, we need not be afraid.
Yes, it’s just that simple.