Kind to the Needy

He who despises his neighbor sins, but blessed is he who is kind to the needy. Proverbs 14:21

If someone comes up to you to ask for money for gas or food or money, what do you do? Do you fork it over or just ignore the person? This is actually happening to me on a regular basis lately.

Here is my thought process when this happens: Since I’m not one to talk a lot, I first quickly go through my mind what exactly might be in my wallet. In my mind, ones are great, fives are okay, and tens and twenties are off limit. Then I hand the person a few bucks and go on my way.

Kind of me? Perhaps. Generous? Hardly. Untrusting that the person will spend it on what they said they would? Absolutely.

What if my thinking were this: twenties were great to hand out, tens are fine, and man I wish I had more tens and twenties instead of these lousy fives and ones? Will it ever happen? Probably not, but the verse does say that the person is blessed by giving to the needy.

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