Off the Beaten Path

13 Righteousness goes before him and prepares the way for his steps. Psalm 85:13

A blessed nation will have the Lord himself as a guide. When the leaders and the majority of that nation want to get off the path of righteousness, it’s their choice. You hate to see if happen because we ultimately know what happens when nations turn away from God: they self-destruct fairly quickly. The Bible is filled with stories about the nation of Israel and how they turned from God many times. God restored them but that restoration came with a lot of unnecessary pain and heartache.

We’re seeing a lot of social upheaval in the world today. As the Bible says, “and they did what was right in their own eyes.” Judges 17, 21

But I’ll state it for the umpteenth time: God is in control of the world. Nothing escapes His view. He knows what He’s doing. He can be trusted despite what a godless culture wants to throw at us.

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