A faithful person will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished. Proverbs 28:20
Thirty years ago it was not at all uncommon for someone to work at one company for twenty or thirty years. The company would then reward the worker with a nice pension and perhaps a gold watch. Those days, I’m afraid, are long gone. In order for corporations to meet the “bottom line,” they have to weed out and prune their workers. Similarly, the workers recognize that and are not at all bound to stay at the company even though that’s what their fathers did and their fathers before that.
Fortunately we serve a God who is faithful and rewards our faithfulness. Often the rewards we receive are intangible: a clear conscience, a peaceful life, and untouchable hope. When the storms of life come – and they will certainly come – and destroy what you have built up, you know that you are blessed.
No one can take away that internal peace. No one. Money can’t buy it; fame can’t steal it, and the world will be very confused by it. Why? Because people know that if they were in your shoes you would be cursing God. Instead, you act like the Child of God you are: peaceful and content.