
And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about…Samson…Hebrews 11:32

When we think of men who have had enormous strength in the world, Samson always comes to mind. He was set apart for God's service early, and did not drink alcohol or cut his hair. He married a Philistine (Judges 11:10). tore a lion apart with his bare hands, killed many men of Ashdod, set fire to their orchards and fields, and killed a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass.

After a Philistine named Delilah tried four times to get Samson to reveal the secret of his great strength, he at last gave in. In the middle of the night, she had a man cut off his hair, and then a team of Philistines bound him with strong fetters, gouged out his eyes, and set him to grind at the prison mill. This once great warrior was reduced to the duties of oxen. But Samson's hair began to grow again. The day came when the Philistine leaders sent for the blind Samson so they could mock him. Samson asked a servant boy to place him between two pillars on which the house stood. He pulled them down, and died along with thousands of Philistines.

Even though Samson wasn't bright (tricked by Delilah four times) or moral (married a Philistine and killed Philistines for pleasure), he gets a mention in the Hall of Faith. He had been reduced to slave labor. He knew exactly what he was doing when he pulled down the pillars. He knew he would also be ending his own life with that action. As he ground the grain with that huge wheel, you know he was thinking about his past actions. He wanted one last chance to make a difference.

Most of us want to make a difference where we are. Pray to God that you will use the opportunities that He gives you. For some, I'm afraid those opportunities may cost us dearly if we take them.

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