Scorning Instruction

He who scorns instruction will pay for it, but he who respects a command is rewarded. Proverbs 13:13

Ever seen a kid in a store openly defying his mother, and getting away with it because the mother just wants to get out of an embarrassing situation? Of course you have. We all have. We mutter words under our breath to the effect of “if it were my kid…” Later when the kid grows up, we’re not at all surprised at the monster that he (or she) has become. Why?

The child disobeyed (scorned) discipline, and the parents let him get away with it. No one really wins in the end. The consequences for the scorned instruction may even be jail time.

We see this “consequences for your actions” principle as clear as day as it relates to children, but fail to heed its wisdom when it comes to our own relationship with God. We know what the Bible states about certain topics but often ignore it, or worse.

Again I ask, “why?”

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