Self Control

Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self control. Proverbs 25:28

Most addictions stem from a lack of self control. Take, for instance, alcohol. Why do famous actors and actresses end up in rehab? Because they lack the self control to put down the bottle or needle. But I think an even deeper question is in order: why are they even drinking at all? Think about it, many of them are at the top of their game. They’re rich and famous. They “own” the entertainment world and yet they become addicted to substances. Why? What is missing?

What are we missing when we gorge ourselves in comfort food when no one else is watching?
What are we missing when we must blurt out hurtful things (regardless if they are true or not).
What are we missing when we watch television hour after hour?

Of course I just nicked the tip of the iceberg because there are plenty of other self control habits and quirks about us taht we’d rather not talk about.

What are yours? If you don’t know what they are, ask someone close to you.


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