Solomon’s Response

That night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, "Ask for whatever you want me to give you"…Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this great people of yours? 2 Chronicles 1:7,10

This is truly an amazing passage of Scripture. It gives us great insight into how God thinks. Solomon could have asked for anything at all. Granted, he was king over Israel and he could have commanded any material or societal whim he desired. But he had all of that. He wanted something that was lasting and meaningful. I also find interesting because it's God who is actually asking the question. Solomon chose wisdom and as a result, he was able to ruling an entire nation in wisdom and penned the Book of Proverbs, (probably) the Song of Solomon, and (probably) Ecclesiastes, among other things.

This is a great question for us to answer. We often crave fame, fortune, glamor, and popularity (to name a few) over sound relationships, wisdom, and integrity. Left to our own 'wisdom' we wouldn't choose wisdom as something to be valued. But if the wisest man in the world chooses wisdom when asked what he wanted from God, we would do well to put wisdom in our top one or two things to request from God!

We need wisdom. We need wisdom to make right mundane 'everyday' choices and big picture 'life' choices.

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault. James 1:5

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