7 My heart, O God, is steadfast,
my heart is steadfast;
I will sing and make music.
8 Awake, my soul!
Awake, harp and lyre!
I will awaken the dawn. Psalm 57:7-8
Former Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz once said that a bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.
You would think that by reading these verses that David’s clearly “a morning person.” But I think there’s more to these verses than just looking outside and proclaiming it to be a great day.
David was still hiding in a cave when he wrote this. But David, much like the Apostle Paul centuries later, didn’t let his confined surroundings stop him from being joyous. It wasn’t where they were that mattered, but in whose company they were in. It would have been easy for both to fret and worry and become exasperated at their conditions. To some extent, we see David going in and out of these emotions, but he ultimately knew where to put his trust and hope.
The fact that David, who was described as a man after God’s own heart, had “peaks and valleys” in his spiritual walk certainly gives me hope.
What about you? What’s your “song?” What is it about God that excites you? What has He done in your life this week?
One response to “His Song”
I love that psalm! Do you think God has a theme heres……… David a cave, Moses a mountain, Jonah a fish…… then we could talk about Jeremiah…….and so much more couldn’t we? That’s what makes me sing – the knowledge that God can and will enable those that the world deems unworthy! Good read!