Teach Us to Pray

Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.” Luke 11:1

Jesus, in communion with God the Father, prayed.

While on earth, the Second Person of the Trinity prayed to God the Father. If He felt it was necessary to stay in constant communication with God the Father, that should tell us something.

The disciples wanted to learn how to pray. They didn’t need a lot of help going out in twos to preach, but they wanted to learn how to pray. What better way thank to learn from the Master Himself! This is what is called a “teachable moment” to very alert students.

It wouldn’t surprise me to even learn that some of His disciples secretly observed Him while He was praying, just to watch the Master “at work.”

This one discipline would help them change the world.

Coincidentally, this same discipline will also help us change the world. And it is a difficult discipline because we live in a world with countless distractions. It takes discipline to come before God the Father through Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit each day. It’s not something we would do on our own, mainly because it’s difficult.

And none of us can say we’ve “arrived” when it comes to prayer because we have to keep at it every day and often throughout the day.

If you haven’t already developed the discipline of prayer, start with a few minutes at a time.

Commune with the Father.

Pour out your heart and soul.

Then study God’s word to reveal some of His answers.

God delights in His children coming to Him, much like a father loves his children coming to him.

Tell Him what’s on your heart. You’ll be glad you did.

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