Tell A Friend

21 When my heart was grieved and my spirit embittered,
22 I was senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before you. Psalm 73:21-22

The coomon philosophy in Christian circles is that if the God of the Universe has saved your soul, what do you have to be depressed about? It’s certainly a nice target to aim for, but life happens. We get sick, have trouble with relationships, have more bills than money, become weary in well-doing, become envious of others’ success, dwell on our failures, lose loved ones, and a whole host of other life events. Life is just hard!

Asaph was a realist. He was depressed but gave it all over to God. How long was he depressed? No one knows. He recognized his deficiencies and called it out for what it was.

Perhaps you have these feelings. Perhaps you just feel that your lot is life is lousy.

It’s entirely real to have those thoughts and feelings. While you are lifting it up to the One who can help you, reach out to a friend. I guarantee you that person will be super glad you considered him/her close enough to reveal some of your struggles.

Then lift up those thoughts again and again and again and again. He doesn’t get bored by them. He just loves it when you continue to acknowledge Him.

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