Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. Revelation 21:1
Remember that 10-speed bike you yearned for in the months before Christmas long ago. Or maybe it was another toy. Even as adults we yearn for things during this season. What happens, though, when we finally get it? The thrill is gone and it’s almost as if we were let down because the hope fulfilled was small and passing.
During the waning days of 2010, I would like to focus our attention on heaven. This verse at the end of the Book of Revelation is short and sweet, and contains just enough information to get many of us stirred up about heaven. I mean, there are so many unanswered questions we’d like to ask.
Perhaps thousands of books have been written about heaven, many of them Bible-based. We only know about heaven by what’s been written in the Book. Experiences by well-meaning and God-fearing people are just that: experiences. We know some things about heaven, but there’s an awful lot we don’t know. I suspect we don’t know much about Heaven for some very good reasons.
We won’t be dissatisfied and let down when we get to Heaven, I’m sure of it. God gives us tastes of heaven in the little things: brilliant sunset, a newborn baby, or a love restored. Don’t mistake those things for Heaven itself.