The Gift of Healing

to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 1 Corinthians 12:9

Entire libraries could be filled with the books people have written about the theology and practice of healing. Most reading this could contribute a volume or two. The fact that God heals is rarely in dispute. Healing is complicated because some people get healed and others don’t. We hear about those who have been healed, but we never hear about those who prayed just as hard and with as much faith but never got healed.

God is sovereign. No one disputes that.

He does what He wants when He wants. He chooses to use His children to carry out His tasks. Some of those tasks are healing. As was the case in the previous gift, I don’t believe healing is to be used as a flashy, “look at me” gift. Again, the purpose of healing is to build up the Body of Christ.

We often hear stories of thousands of miraculous healings in foreign lands. Perhaps the Body of Christ in that part of the world needs to see those thousands being healed.

So what of this gift? It’s given the same as the others. It too should not be used selfishly or to promote oneself. It’s to edify the Body.

How do you know if you have this gift? Praying and seeing people healed would be one way to know.

Should we all pray for people to be healed? Jesus prayed for people. Paul prayed for people. Paul even prayed that he’d be healed of a mysterious “thorn.” He wasn’t healed. So, not everyone gets healed but we still should pray.

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