9 But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” Genesis 3:9
The Omniscient God asked where Adam was. He knew where Adam was. He knew all along, but He wanted Adam to admit some things. Adam was no longer coming to God. So we see the first instance of God pursuing us. What a fantastic image: God pursuing man.
It’s the other way around in life, isn’t it? We hear of men and women who throw away careers to go to far away places in search of God, but the reality is upside down. Now, God can reveal Himself to those people who are truly searching for “enlightenment.” They may not be ready to be pursued by God Almighty. But all the ways they devise to reach God will fall short. They always do.
God is still pursuing you. And me. He knows everything about us and is still calling us.
Are you hiding?