The Task of Faithfulness

11 Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven. Psalm 85:11

This is certainly an intriguing word picture, isn’t it? Faithfulness and righteousness seem to be two sides of the same coin. Our job is not righteousness, though we do want to be righteous men and women. Our task is faithfulness.

God rewards the faithfulness of His children. It’s not so important to be the greatest or best or even number one in any endeavor. The task is to be faithful. Let’s face it, though, faithfulness isn’t really all that glamorous.

It’s being true to your kids, your spouse, your church, your job.
It’s sticking to tasks you promised you’d do even though it’s not easy or rewarding.
It’s doing things that you absolutely know pleases God but the world thinks is crazy.

In other words, for many reading this, keep doing what you’re doing. You don’t need to change a thing. No guilt trips. No extra activities five times a week. Just be faithful in what you’re already doing. God will continue to honor that.

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