The Wisdom of God: The Virgin Birth

“How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?” Luke 1:34

The virgin birth is perhaps one of the distinctives of Christianity. Larry King has said that the virgin birth is the one event in history that prevents him from believing fully in God. It’s so unbelievable and yet so wise.

Mary herself questioned the Angel of the Lord because it was just so unbelievable. Mary knew the stares and gossip she would have to endure, but she, along with Joseph, knew the truth.

She was a virgin and would give birth to the Messiah.

It couldn’t be any other way.

Mary had to trust God that He knew what He was doing. Joseph too had to trust God and believe Mary. He did have some help from an angel too but it still was difficult to believe.

This Christmas season, ask God to renew your love for Him and His word. Ask Him to help us even in our unbelief.

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