Those in Authority

Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is not authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Romans 13:1

This is a verse that has endured a variety of interpretations over the years, especially the first half of the verse. Some have taken the extreme view that no matter what they do we should obey those who are over us (even if it violates our moral conscience). On its face, it would seem extreme but it's probably the normal interpretation of it. It's the view that until recently I held.

Nowhere in Scripture does it say it is morally right to violate what we know to be true. As a mild example, if a policeman tells you that it is okay just this one time to speed through the city, it doesn't make it right (try telling it to the judge). He was in authority and he said it was okay, but everything you knew about the speed limit laws told you that it was wrong.

I believe that there will be a time in the not too distant future (and I dearly hope I’m wrong) when those in authority will ask us to violate what we know to be right and true. We need to think about how we'll react in advance. Does the act violate Scripture? Does it violate our conscience? It may affect our jobs and our livelihood.

On the other hand, God is in complete control. Nothing, nothing, nothing that man does takes God by surprise. The Scripture continues by saying that the authorities are in place to do you good. Does it always work like that? No, but it's still a good model of how authority is supposed to work.

Pray for those in authority by name.

One response to “Those in Authority”

  1. This is guaranteed with the trends that are in place. The Spirit of anti-Christ is alive and well. Pressure from government to do what scriptures condemn is not new. However, persecution always strengthens the church. Christianity is the fastest growing religion in the world, This is why persecution is up. The 20th century saw more Christians die for their faith (multiple millions) than all previous centuries combined. What will we do? Stand! Stand with Him who stands with us!

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