Unfair Comparisons

14 All day long I have been afflicted, and every morning brings new punishments. Psalm 73:14

Again, Asaph is lamenting his lot in life. Actually he’s comparing it to those who seem to have very few cares in the world. It’s an unfair comparison on several levels.

First, no one is truly care free. We all have problems. We all have relationships that have gone awry. We all feel pain, and we all suffer. Often, though, many hide their suffering through their work and often substance abuse.

Secondly, we have not lived in other’s shoes. We don’t know what one person had to do to get to where he is, all the discipline, hardship, and heartache it took to get there.

Lastly, we may not have been gifted with the same set of skills to do what that person has done. Of course, some may have bought their status and position, but trying to beat youself up over it is fruitless.

Actually all comparisons can be demolished by these three points.

God has uniquely gifted you with skills, talents, and gifts that no one in the world has. He has not gifted you to do what your neighbor is doing. And your neighbor is not gifted to do what you do.

Don’t let comparison steal your joy.

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