Unhealthy Consequences

There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: …feet that are quick to rush into evil … Proverbs 6:18

Rushing into evil is a continuation of the previous deed. It’s putting feet to the wicked schemes. If you’ve gone to the point where your bitterness has overtaken your good senses, you can actually be setting yourself up to do things you don’t want to do.

And it happens all the times in Churches. Think about it. That last split you heard about in the church, do you remember what it was about? Parishioners on one side decided to let their feet to the talking and removed themselves from the congregation. Was anything really solved? Probably not, but the “problems” have all left.

To illustrate this further, have you ever heard the phrase “to starve the pastor out?” It means that people in the church want the pastor to leave and will do what it takes – to the point of not paying him and his family the wages they deserve – so that they will leave. Now, glance above and read the the verse again. Do you think they have put feet to their disdain for their pastor? Absolutely.

On a more practical level, though, we still need to guard ourselves from bitterness, which can lead to unhealthy consequences. It all starts with the bitterness.

Even as Christians.

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