
…and so somehow to attain to the resurrection from the dead.” Philippians 3:11

The whole point of knowing Christ, knowing the power of his resurrection, and sharing in his sufferings is victory. It seems simple, I know. But it means victory in the temporary life we live here on earth, and victory in that which is unseen, the eternal.

Have you ever watched a game where the winning team squeaked by with a win? Maybe they went ahead in the last minute after they were behind the entire match? You probably had a sick feeling in your stomach over the win. The announcers might say, “it wasn’t a pretty win, but it still goes in the win column.”

Now have you ever seen a team that outmatched, outplayed and utterly whipped their opponents? Their opponents were annihilated, demolished, crushed. You would have probably felt sorry for the opposing team if you hadn’t been rooting for the victors.

That’s the kind of victory that the death and resurrection of Jesus brings, both in the temporary and in the eternal. Utter triumph over sin. Total victory over death and hell.

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